
The Magnatone Super Fifteen melds old-school, Brit-flavored tones and vibe with some decidedly modern features that make it incredibly well suited for club gigs, recording, and living room jams. 

The compact, handwired Super Fifteen 1x12" combo gets an A+ on looks alone, but we all know its about tone and features (but it doesn't hurt to sound great and look great, right?). Running a pair of EL84's (in Class AB), the Super Fifteen leans towards the British side of the aisle tonally, and paired with both Gain and Master Volume controls, you can coax a variety of overdrive levels out of it without the need for an overdrive or boost pedal. The Ceramic 12" speaker helps keep the bass tight and punchy, while easily putting out enough volume for small-medium sized rooms. 

Magnatone had us at this point - but - they also added a few modern features that simply make the Super Fifteen a slam dunk. What are those modern features you ask? How about a buffered effects loop and a built-in internal speaker load which allows you to use the amp in silent mode (!!) - meaning, you can practice late night by plugging your headphones in or record into the wee hours by plugging directly into your recording interface, all with killer cranked amp tones, without bothering a soul. Nicely done Magnatone!! 


  • 15 Watts, Push-Pull, Class AB
  • EL84 (x2), 12AX7 (x3)
  • Two independent inputs, high & low gain
  • Speaker compensated line out and headphone jack
  • Built-in internal speaker load for silent use
  • Magnatone Custom 12" Ceramic Magnet
  • Buffered effects loop
  • Backlit Logo
  • 21" x 9.5" x 19"
  • 36lbs 

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